Artist Statement

I create work as a woman, about women.  I challenge the concept of what a woman should be. Embrace the drama, the theatrical, the chaos, but also the reality. Shifting perspectives between the male and female gaze. How perceptions are harmful. Being a woman is to perform. It’s uncomfortable, yet true. Seeing the world for what it is; what it shouldn’t be. I work in hypotheticals. The “what if(s)?”. Gestures, Musicality, Hapticality. Paintings, Poetry, Books. Witnessing and Experiencing. I consume and then produce. I produce a new narrative, eliminating a pre-existing one, the wrong one.

"To be a woman is to perform."

"To be a woman is to perform."

"To be a woman is to perform." "To be a woman is to perform."

My writings

The Moon is only lit because the Sun said it could be

She wants to be seen, but there are a thousand suns,

And she is nothing but a mere shadow

photo taken by Shosh Isaacs

I’m being ripped a part at the seams

An unbecoming of self

my bones tethered

watching as my skin slips off

me and you will never see eye to eye

you’re so much taller than me

you think you know everything

Glossary of terms

Vanity:  the quality of being worthless or futile/// Goaded: provoke a reaction or response/// Agency: control over actions and the consequences/// Perspective:  a (woman’s) point of view/// Renaissance: a revival/// Drama: an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events/// Hegemony:  leadership or dominance by (men)/// Exhibition: a public display of skill and/or art/// Sanguine: optimistic in a difficult situation/// Raconteur: a (woman) who tells stories in an amusing way/// Epiphany: a divine being *manifestation*/// Hubris: excessive pride, defiance of the Gods/// Perspicacious: having insight /// Servile: excessive willingness to please others/// Vilify: speak of (women) in a disparaging manner /// Antithetical: mutually incompatible /// Machiavellian: cunning/// Disposition: qualities of mind and character /// Revelers: enjoyment in a noisy way/// Lark: engage in harmless fun/// Ingenue: an innocent young woman/// Opacity: unable to be understood or comprehended /// Aesthete: a (woman) who has a special appreciation for art and beauty/// Inure: accustom to something unpleasant

